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DSAC Meetings

Disposal Site Advisory Committee (DSAC)

Disposal Site Management

The Disposal Site Advisory Committee (DSAC) assists the Benton County Board of Commissioners in the planning and implementation of disposal site management, including the following:

  • Review with the permittee the regional disposal site’s siting, operation, closure, and long-range monitoring of the site;
  • Provide a forum for citizen comments, questions and concerns about the regional disposal site and promote a dialog between the community and the owner or operator of the site; and
  • Prepare an annual written report summarizing the local citizens’ concerns and the manner in which the owner or operator is addressing those concerns

Participation on county boards and commissions involves citizens directly in local government in an impactful way and provides the Board of Commissioners with timely input on important issues. Members of Benton County’s various advisory boards and committees are unpaid volunteers who devote numerous hours of their time to these community activities. In all there are 26 advisory boards, commissions and committees and members may serve up to two consecutive terms. Members are appointed by the Board of Commissioners to fill vacancies, which have set terms.

The Board of Commissioners office is currently conducting interviews to fill positions for DSAC. New member information will be posted here when it becomes available.

Ken Eklund, ChairTerm began 01.01.22 – Term expires 12.31.24
Deborah GileTerm began 01.01.19 – Term expires 12.31.24
Ian McNabDesignated Permittee – Republic Services (Coffin Butte Landfill)


Coming soon

DSAC Minutes – January 26, 2022DSAC Minutes – April 27, 2022DSAC Minutes – 2021DSAC Minutes 2020
DSAC Minutes – 2019DSAC Minutes – 2018DSAC Minutes – 2017DSAC Minutes – 2016
DSAC Minutes – 2015DSAC Minutes – 2014DSAC Minutes – 2013DSAC Minutes – 2012
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