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Development Code Update Project

Development Code Audit, Phase I

Phase I of this project will check rules, regulations, language, and definitions in Benton County’s Development Code (chapters 50-100 of the County Code). It will then fix identified administrative issues and ensure compliance with state law. Additionally, this phase of the project will aim to address some inconsistencies between the County’s Development Code and Oregon Building Codes.

A future phase of this project will go deeper into policy-related Code updates, following adoption of the Comprehensive Plan update.

Location – The County’s Development Code applies to unincorporated Benton County, meaning, the land area outside of Corvallis, NW Albany, Philomath, Monroe, and Adair. 
Community Benefit – The Development Code must be kept in compliance with changes and updates to state regulations. The audit will ensure regulatory compliance and remedy other administrative issues, such as inconsistencies between definitions in the County’s Development Code and Oregon Building Codes. In turn, this will help the permitting process go more smoothly for applicants. 
Funding Source(s) – County Capital Improvement Plan budget from FY 2023-2025
Dollars Invested – $73,705

An RV is parked in a church parking lot

Vehicle Camping at Religious Institutions

Fast Facts about Housing and Homelessness in Benton County

  • The number of individuals experiencing homelessness in Benton County has increased more than 95% since 2015.
  • The 2022 Point in Time count report* estimates that there are over 700 unhoused people in the Linn, Benton and Lincoln tri-county region with about 300 unhoused people in Benton County.
  • Some members of our rural communities use vehicles as their primary shelter, but have no fixed place to safely and legally park them.

How does Benton County Code Chapter 40 help?

  • Enables Religious Institutions within the unincorporated areas of Benton County to provide safe and legal places for people to sleep in vehicles, campers, trailers, or micro-shelters.
  • Establishes minimum standards including provision of basic sanitary facilities for guests and onsite parking and siting standards to reduce impacts to adjacent properties and uses.
  • Provides an additional tool for rural communities to provide a safe and stable means to shelter for those experiencing crises.

Commissions & Committees

Conference table, meeting

The following Commissions and Committees are integral to the successful functioning of the Planning Division. The Planning Commission prepares recommendations for the Board of Commissioners regarding proposed amendments to the County’s land-use and development regulations; makes decisions on quasi-judicial land use matters; and, in its capacity as the Committee for Citizen Involvement (CCI), assists the Board of Commissioners with development and evaluation of the County’s Citizen Involvement Program related primarily to land-use planning (ORS 215.020). The Historic Resources Commission was created to implement a county-wide historic preservation program. The Citizen’s Advisory Committee provides an opportunity for community members of each CAC area to be involved in all phases of the land-use planning process and other aspects of County government that relate to their area.

Disposal Site Advisory Committee (DSAC)

Disposal Site Management

The Disposal Site Advisory Committee (DSAC) assists the Benton County Board of Commissioners in the planning and implementation of disposal site management, including the following:

  • Review with the permittee the regional disposal site’s siting, operation, closure, and long-range monitoring of the site;
  • Provide a forum for citizen comments, questions and concerns about the regional disposal site and promote a dialog between the community and the owner or operator of the site; and
  • Prepare an annual written report summarizing the local citizens’ concerns and the manner in which the owner or operator is addressing those concerns

Participation on county boards and commissions involves citizens directly in local government in an impactful way and provides the Board of Commissioners with timely input on important issues. Members of Benton County’s various advisory boards and committees are unpaid volunteers who devote numerous hours of their time to these community activities. In all there are 26 advisory boards, commissions and committees and members may serve up to two consecutive terms. Members are appointed by the Board of Commissioners to fill vacancies, which have set terms.

Rachel Purcell, ChairTerm began 01.01.24 – Term expires 12.31.25
David Hackleman, Vice-ChairTerm began 01.01.24 – Term expires 12.31.25
Jennifer Field Term began 01.01.24 – Term expires 12.31.25
Chuck GilbertTerm began 01.01.24 – Term expires 12.31.25
Brent PawlowskiTerm began 01.01.24 – Term expires 12.31.25
Jeff MorrellTerm began 01.01.24 – Term expires 12.31.25
Charlene CarrollTerm began 10.01.24 – Term expires 12.31.25
David LivesayTerm began 10.01.24 – Term expires 12.31.25
Bret Davis (February 2025)
Paul Koster (March-December 2025)
Designated Permittee – Republic Services (Coffin Butte Landfill)
Please share your ideas and concerns. You may do so by attending a DSAC meeting or you can email your concern. Emails sent to will be forwarded to Benton County staff. Relevant concerns received about the Coffin Butte Landfill will be shared with the DSAC members. Other places to report concerns about the Coffin Butte Landfill include the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (Pollution Complaint Form) and Republic Services (Odor Complaint Form).

Meeting Recordings & Related Materials

July 31st, 2024Recording
Passcode: &AVK0HW=
Agenda | PacketMinutes
September 11th, 2024Recording
Passcode: *T0BHKP8
Agenda | Packet part 1 |
Packet part 2
September 19th, 2024Recording
Passcode: %=s#$f4^
Agenda | PacketMinutes
October 9th, 2024Recording
Passcode: 0c?YQwkQ
Agenda | PacketMinutes
December 11th, 2024Please contact for a copy of the audio recording.Agenda | Packet Minutes
January 8, 2025Recording
No passcode required
Agenda | PacketMinutes
February 12, 2025Recording
No passcode required
Agenda | PacketThe meeting minutes will be posted when they have been approved by the DSAC
March 12, 2025Agenda (under development)

DSAC Minutes – January 26, 2022DSAC Minutes – April 27, 2022DSAC Minutes – 2021DSAC Minutes 2020
DSAC Minutes – 2019DSAC Minutes – 2018DSAC Minutes – 2017DSAC Minutes – 2016
DSAC Minutes – 2015DSAC Minutes – 2014DSAC Minutes – 2013DSAC Minutes – 2012

Coffin Butte Annual Reports

2020 Valley Landfills (Republic Services) Landfill Franchise Agreement2023 Coffin Butte Landfill Annual Report,
Republic Services
2021 Coffin Butte Landfill Community Concerns Report2023 Coffin Butte Landfill Annual Title V Report,
Republic Services
2022 Coffin Butte Landfill Community Member Concerns Annual Report2023 Coffin Butte Landfill Annual Environmental Reporting Report, Republic Services – Part 1
2023 Coffin Butte Landfill Annual Environmental Reporting Report, Republic Services – Part 2

Wildfire Mitigation Grant Program


Benton County Community Development Department is seeking applications for neighborhood community wildfire preparedness projects that aim to 1) decrease structure ignitability of homes, 2) reduce hazardous fuels around homes and/or 3) educate residents about wildfire risk reduction or preparedness. Priority will be given to projects that support residents with vulnerability to the negative impacts of wildfires, including low-income, elderly, disabled, and/or non-English speaking residents, as well as rural residents of Benton County.

The total funding for this grant is $18,000 with a maximum of $3,000 for each proposal (there is no minimum request amount). An individual applicant can only be associated with one unique proposal. Awarded grant funds need to be expended by December 31, 2023. The deadline to submit applications is 5pm on June 16, 2023.  Grant funds will be made available to successful applicants either by direct funding or through reimbursement, dependent on the project.  

All applications will be assessed for feasibility, potential impact, and equity. See the last page for additional information including example projects, exclusions, the application evaluation criteria, and project administration details.

Please complete the following application electronically and email the completed Word document to Inga Williams, Incomplete applications will not be accepted.

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