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Helpful Floodplain Resources

General Floodplain Information

Local Floodplain Project Information

  • Developing in a Floodplain – Learn about types of development affected by floodplain regulations and things to consider when planning a construction project in the floodplain.
  • Floodplain Development Permit Information – Download the floodplain development permit application as well as step-by-step instructions for how to fill it out.
  • Oregon-Licensed Land Surveyors – Use this page to help find a surveyors to complete an elevation certificate for your project site.  (Note: This list is not comprehensive and not all of the surveyors on the list complete elevation certificates.  Please contact the Floodplain Manager at 541-766-6819 to discuss what type of survey documentation your project will require.)
  • Benton County Floodplain Regulations – Find out what local floodplain regulations apply to development in Benton County.

Local Flood Hazard & Preparedness Information

  • Flood Facts Publication – Read through this yearly outreach publication to learn more about sources of local flooding, natural and beneficial floodplain functions, ways to protect and retrofit your structure, how to plan for and respond to flood events, and who to contact for more flood-related information.
  • Local River Gages – Take a look at real-time local river gages and find out about flood hazard stages. 
  • Be Prepared for Flood Events – Learn what you can do to plan ahead so that when a hazard or disaster occur, you are prepared.
  • Benton County Hazard Information – Find out more information about a variety of local hazards identified by the Benton County Emergency Management Division.
  • Benton County Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan – Read about local hazards that affect Benton County and take a look at the progress the county is making towards completion of action items aimed at reducing and mitigating the negative effects of those hazards.

Benton County’s Role in Floodplain Records and Information

  • The location of a property in relation to the floodplain shown on the current and historic Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM) for the county;
  • Additional flood insurance data for a site, such as the flood zone designation shown on the FIRM panel and, if available, an approximate base flood elevation;
  • Land use and building code regulations that apply to properties in a floodplain;
  • A copy of FIRMs showing flood hazard boundaries and, when available, mapped floodway locations;

Provide outreach information to property owners whose land is in or near a floodplain

The county sends out a yearly Flood Facts mailing identifying high flood risk areas and providing reminders about development requirements in floodplains, information about how to prepare for and respond to flood events, helpful contact information, significant flood events that have occurred in the past, benefits of floodplain functions, and actions that help reduce damage caused by flooding.

Maintain a record of all elevation certificates submitted to the Community Development office

Elevation certificates are required for all new construction and are typically available for structures constructed or improved since 2002.  Additional floodplain worksheets are sometimes available for structures constructed as early as the late 1980s.

Provide information regarding flood mitigation options throughout the county.

The county Floodplain Manager can provide information about possible retrofitting options that can be helpful to reduce the risk of structural damage from flood events and potentially reduce flood insurance premiums.

Community Rating System & Flood Insurance Discount

Learn about Benton County activities that lower your flood insurance costs.

Learn More

CRS communities receive credit towards premium reductions for floodplain management programs that:

  • Protect public health and safety;
  • Reduce the risk of flood-related hazards, damage, and erosion;
  • Prevent increases in flood damage due to new construction;
  • Encourage and incorporate measures that protect natural and beneficial floodplain functions;
  • Preserve open space areas in and around floodplains;
  • Inform community residents and agencies of floodplain hazards and benefits;
  • Encourage acquisition of flood-prone properties and relocation of structures to reduce the risk of flooding;
  • Facilitate accurate insurance rating; and
  • Promote the awareness of flood insurance.

Flood Insurance Discount

Benton County is one of only seven communities to maintain a CRS Class 7 designation in Oregon. Rural Benton County residents have enjoyed a discount on their flood insurance premiums for the past 20 years due to the county’s continued floodplain program implementation. Statewide only eight government agencies – including the cities of Albany, Central Point, Corvallis, Cottage Grove, Medford, Portland, and Salem, as well as Marion County – have lower ratings (ranging from Class 5 to Class 6).

Benton County’s current Class 7 designation authorizes an automatic 15% discount for flood insurance premiums for Benton County property owners.  Visit for additional flood insurance information and contact your insurance agent today to make sure your flood insurance policy is current.  Remember to ask your agent about FEMA’s redesigned flood insurance program Risk Rating 2.0.

General Floodplain Resources

National Flood Insurance Program

Learn about flood insurance benefits, options, and resources.


FEMA Flood Map Service Center

Look up the flood hazard zone for a property


Local Floodplain Resources

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Local Flood Hazard & Preparedness Information

We’re remodeling! Please excuse our mess and our apologies for any inconvenience. This page is being moved and will be updated soon. For now, please use the search icon at the top right side of this page (the magnifying glass) to find the information you need.  If you need further assistance please call us at 541.766.6819 or email us at

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