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Development Code Update, Phase I

Development Code Update Project

Phase I of this project will check all of the rules, regulations, language, and definitions in Benton County’s Development Code (chapters 50-100 of the County Code). It will then fix identified issues and ensure compliance with state law. Additionally, this phase of the project will aim to identify and fix inconsistencies between the County’s Development Code and International Building Code.

Location – The County’s Development Code applies to unincorporated Benton County, meaning, the land area outside of Corvallis, NW Albany, Philomath, Monroe, and Adair. 
Community Benefit – The Development Code must be kept in compliance with changes and updates to state regulations. The audit will ensure that compliance and go further to remedy issues that arise between definitions in the County’s Development Code and Building Code. In turn, this will help the permitting process go more smoothly for applicants. 
Funding Source(s) – County Capital Improvement Plan budget from FY 2023-2025
Dollars Invested – $73,705


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