**Forms, Checklists and Fees
Forms, Checklists & Fees
Fee Schedule
For exact Planning and Land Use application fees call 541-766-6819
Setbacks Table
Zoning setbacks ensure that buildings are situated in a way that promotes safety, aesthetics, and community planning.
General Applications
We are available by appointment Monday through Friday from 9 AM to 1 PM.
Applications will only be accepted in-person at the office. You will need to make an appointment to submit any land use application. Accommodation can be made for remote applicants.
Prior to visiting our office please call 541-766-6819 or email permitcheck@bentoncountyor.gov
Below are the most commonly requested application forms. If you do not see the form you need, please contact the Planning Division, 541-766-6819.
1. Locate the appropriate land use application form below. They are available for viewing as PDFs and can be filled out on your computer. You must use Internet Explorer for the digital signature option to work. We are able to accept digital esignatures in addition to the original signed document. Print the document to PDF, rather than saving as a PDF, to ensure capture of filled information and signature.
2. Fill out the application form and be sure to include the required attachments. All property owners must sign the application form either through e-signature or provide us with the original signed document. We cannot accept scans or copies of the original signature page.
3. A planner will review your application and let you know if there are any missing items or, if complete, will take in payment. You may pay by check, cash, or charge.