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County Comprehensive Plan update, Phase I

Benton County is updating its countywide 2007 Comprehensive Plan, which is typically done on a 20-year cycle in Oregon. This puts us right on schedule to adopt the updated document around 2027.

Location – Countywide
Community Benefit – Overall, updating a county comprehensive plan is essential for ensuring that the community’s vision for the future is reflected in land use policies, infrastructure investments, and other planning decisions. It promotes sustainable growth, enhances quality of life, and fosters community resilience. Some of the primary benefits include guiding growth and development practices, improving infrastructure planning to coincide with planned growth, enhancing residents’ quality of life, and fostering broad and inclusive community engagement in shaping our collective future.
Funding Source(s) – Technical Assistance Grant awarded by the Department of Land Conservation and Development
Dollars Invested – $50,000 for Phase I
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