Interior Tours Of The Under-Restoration Willamette Grange Hall
This event has ended
May 25, 2024
12:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Tour Guide: Jay Sexton
Guided tour times are 12:15, 1:15, and 2:15 – but the building is open to view the entire time.
Willamette Grange #52 is one of five active Granges in Benton County, alongside Hope, Fairmount, Marys River and Summit Granges. It is the oldest active Grange in BentonCounty. Willamette Grange was chartered as part of the Oregon State Grange in 1873, and is an
organization promoting agriculture, forestry, & rural residents. The Grange Hall was built in 1922 on land donated by mccauley Porter and is being restored by the current membership of the grange, along with lots of help from the community.