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Change of Use Permit

General services and inquiries are available by email and phone from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM.  In-person services are available by appointment from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM.  Please call 541-766-6819 or email to to schedule appointments or ask questions in advance.

Changing the Use/Occupancy of a Dwelling

Converting a dwelling to another use with the intent to replace it with a new dwelling will require an additional fee for preparation, processing and recording of a covenant, which will be attached to the deed records for the property to certify that the structure will no longer be used as a dwelling, as defined in the Benton County Code, Chapter 51. The provisions for sleeping, cooking or sanitation will be required to be removed.

Resource Zones

To replace a dwelling in a resource zone (farm or forest zone), you will need to obtain zoning approval. For more details email or call 541-766-6819 and ask to speak to a planner in our Planning Division.

Septic Systems

If connecting to a septic system or adding bedrooms, a septic permit will be required for the Environmental Health Division. Call Environmental Health at 541-766-6841 for the type of permit needed. 

Changing a Non-conforming Structure

Building Use

To replace a structure that has “non-conforming setbacks” or is devoted to a “non-conforming use” you will need to show that the building or use was legally established. Alteration or expansion of a non-conforming structure or use requires zoning approval.

More Information

For more details email or call 541-766-6819 and ask to speak to a planner in our Planning Division. 

Changing the Use/Occupancy of a Manufactured Home

Converting a manufactured home to a storage facility or other non-residential use involves removal of the kitchen and potentially the sleeping facilities. The state insignia of compliance or the HUD label must be removed by the owner and said insignia or label returned to the Department of Consumer and Business Services ORS 446.245(a).


To modify a manufactured home, building plans must be submitted that comply with the Oregon Residential Specialty Code and all other applicable codes, including original engineered plans and specifications.

Framing and Foundation

The roof framing, wall framing, floor framing and foundation systems shall meet the minimum design standards of the Oregon Residential Specialty Code requirements. An Oregon licensed architect or engineer shall identify those portions of the structure requiring modifications, and design any required modifications, or show that the existing construction meets the design standards. Calculations will be required for the framing system and must be included with the submitted plans. Please contact the Building Division prior to submission. 

Additional Processes and Requirements for Change of Use Permits

Once a site plan is stamped “received” by the Planning Division please call 541-766-6819 to schedule an appointment with a Building Permit Technician for application submittal. At the time of submittal please provide the following documents:

  • Existing floorplan of the entire structure
  • Proposed floorplan of the entire structure

If structural changes are proposed to a manufactured home
(if a site built home, check with Permit Technician before submission):

Two (2) engineering calculations (at least one set must contain the original engineer’s wet-stamp or a license verified electronic signature).

If starting a home occupation/home based business serving customers

Building Official approval to review alterations under residential code instead of commercial code and Water quality test performed within the past 12 months (showing levels of nitrates and coliform).

If converting a dwelling in a resource zone (farm or forest zones) with the intent to replace it:

Photographs showing the intact roof, exterior walls, functioning electrical wiring, plumbing connected to a septic or sewer system and heat source and Evidence of when the existing dwelling was established (built or placed on the property).

If additional bedrooms are being proposed:

An on-site septic permit application is required at the time of submittal.

View On-Site Septic Permit Application (PDF)

Any Mechanical, Electrical, or Plumbing projects will require separate permits

Change of Use Permits and the Floodplain

If your proposed structure or demolition is within the floodplain you will also need to submit a floodplain development application.

View Floodplain Development Application (PDF)

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